
In the dynamic landscape of open-source software (OSS) development, understanding and addressing incivility within issue discussions is crucial for fostering healthy and productive collaborations. This paper presents a curated dataset of 404 locked GitHub issue discussion threads and 5961 individual comments, collected from 213 OSS projects. We annotated the comments with various categories of incivility using Tone Bearing Discussion Features (TBDFs), and, for each issue thread, we annotated the triggers, targets, and consequences of incivility. We observed that Bitter frustration, Impatience, and Mocking are the most prevalent TBDFs exhibited in our dataset. The most common triggers, targets, and consequences of incivility include Failed use of tool/code or error messages, People, and Discontinued further discussion, respectively. This dataset can serve as a valuable resource for analyzing incivility in OSS and improving automated tools to detect and mitigate such behavior. CCS CONCEPTS•Software and its engineering → Software organization and properties.


Computer Science

Publication Status

Open Access

Keywords and Phrases

developer conversations; GitHub; incivility; OSS

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2024 The Authors, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2024
