UMR Journal -- V. H. McNutt Colloquium Series
![UMR Journal -- V. H. McNutt Colloquium Series](/assets/md5images/60e65c25b0728e98e2aa470db3df4484.png)
The V. H. NcNutt Colloquium series was sponsored by the V. H. McNutt Memorial Foundation, which was initially established for the Department of Geology of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (now Missouri University of Science and Technology), in memory of Vachael H. McNutt, a 1912 graduate of MSM and a member of the Department of Geology faculty.
The UMR Journal contained papers from this colloquium:
- The 1968 UMR Journal 1 titled “A Coast to Coast Tectonic Study of the United States” covered the major tectonic features of the contiguous United States from the margin of the Atlantic continental shelf to the Pacific coast.
- UMR Journal 2, which was published in 1971, related to “Alaska -- Its Mineral Potentials and Environmental Challenges”.
- UMR Journal 3, published in Dec. 1982, emphasized the geology, genesis, and energy resources of a marginal basin and selected interior basins in the midcontinental region of the United States.