
Southwinds: The Literary and Arts Magazine of Missouri S&T

Southwinds: The Literary and Arts Magazine of Missouri S&T

Southwinds Staff

Joseph Fischer, Editor

Editorial Staff

Jon Mittler
Kathy Moran
Martha Nussbaum

Cover Design

Martha Nussbaum

Logos by

Jon Mittler

The staff would like to extend their gratitude and appreciation to those who have made this magazine possible. To our advisor, Professor Gene Warren, a special big thanks for his guidance in answering our myriad questions on how to produce a literary magazine; to Bob Blaylock for his technical assistance; Dean Barker, Associate Dean Cogell, and Student Council for their interest and support. A special thanks to Jon Mittler for his preparation of the photography and artwork; to Martha Nussbaum and Kathy Moran for typing and arranging the prose and poetry. Finally, we would like to thank the English Department for their patience when we invaded their office to type the manuscript. Southwinds is published by the Southwinds club of UMR and is entirely produced by the students of UMR.