
Southwinds: The Literary and Arts Magazine of Missouri S&T

Southwinds: The Literary and Arts Magazine of Missouri S&T


Streaming Media

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Table of Contents

In Memory, Jack Boyd by Robert Greene

Dream Sonnet by Robert Greene

He sings in the Kaw in Unsearchable August by Wayne Pounds

The Golden Age by John Nelson

The evil eye is feared by John Nelson

The Immortal by John Nelson

Artwork by Ray Morgan

Portrait I. by Randy Barnes

Portrait II. (The Cards) by Randy Barnes

Portrait III. by Randy Barnes

Portrait IV. by Randy Barnes

Portrait V. (The Blood) by Randy Barnes

An Evening by Eugene Warren

White Winter by Denise Low

Artwork by Suzi Alexander

Mathematics: First Day by Eric Chaet

Response to John Dalton by Eric Chaet

On reading Caesar Vallejo’s Poemas Humanos by Kid Thomas

Artwork by Bill Katz

St. Francis County by Y. T.

Artwork by Jeremy Dahl

Untitled by by Y. T.

Signs of Spring in the Ozarks and Phelps Counties, Missouri by Jim Bogan

Artwork by Vance Heflin

Flint and Flux by Larry Stout

Fountain Bluff by Fred Whitehead

Quindaro Easter by Fred Whitehead

The Rope by Douglas Wixson

Untitled by Stan Beyer

Artwork by J. N. Fleeman

Untitled by Cynthia Callahan

A Defense of Lovers in Alleys by Margaret Menamin

Artwork by Jeremy Dahl

On the Youthful Marriage of a Friend by E. Clay Buchanan III

Technical Love by Paul Johnson

Opening for Resident Poet by Margaret Menamin


Southwinds is published by the Greater Rolla UMR Literary Society and is not an official publication of the University of Missouri--Rolla.

Publication Date

Spring 1978



Southwinds Staff

Kay Henry
Jennifer Lynch
Randy Barnes

Cover Design By

Ray Morgan