Transport in Thin-Film Pd-Ni Cathodes


Proton and electron transport in Pd-Ni thin films (500-2000 A) are studied under unique conditions of an ultra high proton loading plus an applied electric field. The films are sputtered on a 3.0 x 6.0 cm plate of alumina substrate while a non-diffusing barrier layer is formed on top, thus sandwiching the films between these materials. This forces longitudinal transport. Loading is done electrolytically along a small exposed area on one end. Proton/metal atom ratios of 0.9 are obtained while an electric field approaching one volt/cm is applied longitudinally. Protons are extracted at a measurable rate from the end opposite the loading area. The film electrical resistance is simultaneously recorded. Abnormally high proton transport has been observed under some conditions. This is potentially explained by a hopping-type mechanism associated with ambipolar flow of the ion-electron plasma.

Meeting Name

Annual American Physical Society March Meeting (2002: Mar. 18-22, Indianapolis, IN)


Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


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© 2002 American Physical Society (APS), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

22 Mar 2002

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