Influence Of Participates On Infrared Emission From Tactical Rocket Exhausts

Harlan F. Nelson, Missouri University of Science and Technology


The influence of radiation scattering on the infrared radiation signature of representative plumes from four types of tactical rocket motors is investigated using the recently developed JANNAF Standardized Infrared Radiation Model (SIRRM) numerical code. The plumes are modeled as isothermal cylinders with gas and particle compositions representative of 1) advanced liquid rocket exhausts (HC1, HF/carbon); 2) low-temperature metal fuel solid rocket exhausts (H2O, HC1, CO/aluminum oxide); 3) reduced smoke low visibility solid rocket exhausts (H2O, HC1, CO, CO2/aluminum oxide); and 4) advanced minimum smoke solid rocket exhausts (CO, CO2, H2O/zirconium oxide). The signatures of the plumes containing carbon particles are sensitive to the amount of carbon present, but insensitive to the carbon particle size. The signatures of the plumes containing aluminum oxide particles are sensitive to both the particle size and the amount of aluminum oxide present. The emission from the advanced minimum smoke plume becomes increasingly sensitive to particle size and concentration as the particle loading increases. © American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 1984, All rights reserved.