Masters Theses
"This thesis investigates methods of managing projects in an environment where project team members are in different locations. Today, large scale projects undertaken by firms that have a global presence are successfully developed across time, distance, and geographic boundaries. In order to survive in this environment, firms face many project challenges, including diverse employees, various work practices, and communication issues. Many communication issues can be minimized by the proper use of collaborative tools as well as by sharing expertise, coordinating activities, and managing relationships. Web-enabled project management tools have enhanced efforts to increase the quality, competitiveness, and profitability of these types of projects.
The present work investigates project management practices at firms in a wide range of industries, including software, construction, and architecture. Further, it evaluates a research project undertaken by the students of Missouri University of Science and Technology and Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical" University to design a solar roof. This analysis provides a better understanding of the actual problems faced while managing a project where team members are not co-located. Two surveys have also been used to analyze specific issues related to team management in these types of collaborative projects. Effective communication, training, and an appropriate project management approach helps increase the success of projects whose team members are located in various locations"--Abstract, page iii.
Susan Murray
William Daughton
Committee Member(s)
Benjamin Dow
Barry Flachsbart
Engineering Management and Systems Engineering
Degree Name
M.S. in Engineering Management
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Publication Date
Summer 2009
iv, 65 pages
Note about bibliography
includes bibliographical references (pages 63-64)
© 2009 Shriroopa Prabhakar Deshpande, All rights reserved.
Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
File Type
Subject Headings
Group problem solving
Organizational change -- Case studies
Project management -- Case studies
Thesis Number
T 9539
Print OCLC #
Recommended Citation
Deshpande, Shriroopa Prabhakar, "Project collaboration in a distributed environment" (2009). Masters Theses. 92.