Masters Theses
"A search of the literature for data on the solubilities of inorganic salts in various anhydrous alcohols will show that comparatively little work has been recorded. Most of the work has been done on salts in aqueous normal alcohols and practically all of this data concerns only methyl and ethyl alcohols. This information shows a wide divergence in results with different workers. Perhaps these differences in data may be attributed to an error in that the alcohols may not have been absolutely anhydrous, for even small traces of water greatly affect the solubility of the salts. Again, the methods of determination may have permitted moist air to reach the solutions and thus introduce an error. most of the data given, with one exception, was for one temperature only. Nothing was found of a thorough study of the solubilities of sodium and potassium chlorides and sulfates in the lower alcohols over a wider range of temperature. It was thought by the author that perhaps such a study would show some definite relationship between the solubility of a salt in the various alcohols and the increasing molecular weight of those alcohols. It is the object of this paper to determine the solubilities of the above named salts in the first four lower monohydric alcohols together with their isomers at temperatures of 20⁰, 30⁰, 40⁰, and 50⁰C"--Introduction, page 1-2.
Dunlap, Howard Leroy
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Degree Name
M.S. in Chemical Engineering
Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy
Publication Date
iii, 26 pages
Note about bibliography
Includes bibliographical references (pages 69-70).
© 1930 Emmet Rudolph Kirn, All rights reserved.
Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
File Type
Subject Headings
AlcoholsAlkaliesChlorides -- SolubilitySulfates -- Solubility
Thesis Number
T 564
Print OCLC #
Electronic OCLC #
Recommended Citation
Kirn, Emmet Rudolph, "The solubilities of alkali chlorides and sulfates in anhydrous alcohols" (1930). Masters Theses. 6659.
Illustrated by author.