Masters Theses


"Inductance has become a challenging problem for EMC engineers in many applications. Regardless of the application at hand, the first step remains the same; return to the physics and trace the current paths. IGBTs have become an important part in the design of power electronics because of their ability to switch fast and with stand high currents. Modules used for three phase motor drives often create problems when neglected parasitic components show themselves and interfere with the performance of the desired operation of a system. Many manufactures of these modules do not give out equivalent circuit modules and therefore leave a black box for this part of the designers schematic used in simulations. When these systems include motors, other problems can arise which may require their own consideration. Pre-emphasis is a method used to reduce the attenuation of a signal as it travels from one end of a transmission line to another by boosting frequency components of a signal. In order for this method to work, it is important to know how the impedance changes across the board. Working with the capacitances is relatively easy, while revealing the inductance and pin pointing it on the geometry often creates a challenge. Strong magnetic fields are desired for high energy delivering systems where full-wave modeling plays a crucial role in the design of superior systems. The inductance associated with the geometry must be distributed properly for the development of a system that maximizes the fields. This is accomplished by following the current paths and focusing on the physics involved"--Abstract, page iii.


Drewniak, James L.

Committee Member(s)

Pommerenke, David
Ferdowsi, Mehdi


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Electrical Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date



xi, 131 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 49-53).


© 2009 Clint Matthew Patton, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Power electronics -- Equipment and supplies
Electromagnetic compatibility
Electronic circuit design
Insulated gate bipolar transistors
Capacitance meters -- Design

Thesis Number

T 10210

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #

