Masters Theses
Keywords and Phrases
Collaborative information seeking (CIS)
"In the modern organization, work is increasingly organized around teams. One important aspect of collaborative team work is information seeking. However, there is little empirical understanding of how team members collaborate to find needed information. The purpose of this research is to better understand collaborative information seeking (CIS) through a qualitative field study of patient care team members in the emergency department of a rural, regional hospital.
The study found that most CIS activities occur because of an information breakdown. The study also detailed CIS triggers, mechanisms used to collaborate, and questions that lead to collaboration.
Specifically, team members collaborated when (1) information was not easily accessible, (2) information need was complex, and (3) information seeker lacked the expertise needed for the situation. The results also showed that the main source of information was most often an informal source, and that collaborations took place in two distinct ways: through face-to-face discussion and through the use of technology. Furthermore, the findings pointed to three types of questions that lead to collaboration -- patient specific, organizational, and plan of care.
This research helps us better understand the phenomena of CIS. It also identifies ways to better facilitate team members working together effectively and to design information systems that support their work. For example, information should be "pushed" to the seeker at the time it is needed. Additionally, technological support mechanisms can help reduce the negative effects of an interruptive workplace. Lastly, systems must support the function and the day-to-day activities surrounding the function"--Abstract, page iii.
Reddy, Madhu
Committee Member(s)
Hall, Richard H.
Luechtefeld, Ray
Business and Information Technology
Degree Name
M.S. in Information Science and Technology
University of Missouri--Rolla
Publication Date
Fall 2005
x, 55 pages
Note about bibliography
Includes bibliographical references (pages 51-54).
© 2005 Patricia Ruma Spence, All rights reserved.
Document Type
Thesis - Restricted Access
File Type
Subject Headings
Human information processing
Medical informatics
Information retrieval
Teams in the workplace -- Data processing
Thesis Number
T 8859
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Spence, Patricia Ruma, "Collaborative information seeking: A study of a patient care team in the emergency department" (2005). Masters Theses. 3764.
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