Masters Theses
“Special types of coating systems are used to protect industrial products and structures against corrosion. Many millions of dollars are spent each year for these coatings. The ability of protective coatings to reduce or inhibit corrosion depends on a variety of factors such as dry film thickness, resistance to permeation of ions and vapors, temperature, pressure, structure of binder, nature of pigment, electrolytic resistance, and many others.
The initial work done by Larry Inglis on the permeability of coatings and it's relation to thickness of coating films showed that the permeability, as determined by under film corrosion, was independent of the thickness of the dried paint film in the case of a commercial alkyd primer in the thickness range of 0.6 to 6 mils.
The purpose of the research as described in this thesis was to possibly verify Inglis's results by repeating his experiments and try investigating some additional commercial coatings.
During the investigation it was found necessary to devote special attention to the following items: (1) to obtain films of uniform thickness without pinholes and cracks, (2) to clean glass panels on which iron was to be deposited, (3) to find a compound to seal free films on glass panels, (4) to have an inert atmosphere when free films were sealed onto test panels, (5) to find a suitable method to rate the under film corrosion, (6) to measure dry film thickness when coating was sprayed on a test panel, and (7) to control and operate the Salt Fog Box”--Abstract, pages 1-2.
Bosch, Wouter
Committee Member(s)
Conrad, Frank H., 1902-1983
Lay, Ormond Kennedy
Lee, Ralph E., 1921-2010
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Degree Name
M.S. in Chemical Engineering
Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy
Publication Date
x, 139 pages
Note about bibliography
Includes bibliographical references (page 137).
© 1963 Bipin N. Doshi, All rights reserved.
Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
File Type
Thesis Number
T 1452
Print OCLC #
Electronic OCLC #
Recommended Citation
Doshi, Bipin N., "Permeability of organic protective coatings and relation to film thickness" (1963). Masters Theses. 2884.