Doctoral Dissertations
"This research provides a decision aid which assists owners in the process of risk management for environmental remediation projects involving contaminated soil. The research assumes some remediation technology has been selected or is the most likely to be selected. It also assumes the owner of the site must cleanup the site per existing environmental regulations. Using a model derived from Robert Charette's work on risk management in the software industry, an estimate and evaluation is performed for organizational, public exposure, remediation alternative and cost risks. Given a certain threshold from this evaluation, the owner should either accept or transfer the risks. If the risks are accepted, the model suggests certain mitigation techniques which are known to assist with risk reduction. If risks are transferred, the model suggests idealized transfer measures.
The model was validated by feeding project data from thirteen "typical" remediation projects requiring the relatively higher risk of subsurface contamination. Data supported the hypothesis that risk evaluation on a subsurface remediation project is directly related to the modeled risk planning and control procedures.
The model provides owners an easy-to-use methodology for planning risk management for the stated risk categories. Personnel from four different owners used the model and noted the model is a useful planning tool for an owner who is facing an environmental remediation project. However, it is not a thoughtless panacea for all problems associated with remediation projects"--Abstract, page iv.
Omurtag, Yildirim
Daily, Madison
Committee Member(s)
Greenway, Gerald W.
Dagli, Cihan H., 1949-
Engineering Management and Systems Engineering
Degree Name
Ph. D. in Engineering Management
University of Missouri--Rolla
Publication Date
Fall 1993
xi, 95 pages
Note about bibliography
Includes bibliographical references (pages 88-94).
© 1993 James Edward Koch, All rights reserved.
Document Type
Dissertation - Restricted Access
File Type
Subject Headings
Management information systems -- Risk management
Environmental protection -- Risk management
Refuse and refuse disposal -- Environmental aspects
Thesis Number
T 6722
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Koch, James Edward, "A risk management model for environmental remediation projects" (1993). Doctoral Dissertations. 924.
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