CCFSS Library (1939 - present)
1. SCOPE OF THIS REPORT Failure tests have been carried out on beams 0-3, P-3/Q-3, I-1, I-2, I-3, H-1, H-2, H-3, and K-1. As mentioned in the Sixteenth Progress Report (p. 15) it was, anticipated that beams H,I,K, as originally designed, would fail in pure yielding. Since such a failure is not revealing for this investigation, an attempt was made to narrow both flanges of these beams. This work was done in the shops of the School of Civil Engineering and of the School of Mechanical Engineering. It turned out, however, that in cutting off parts of the flanges, the residual stresses which had been created by the spot welding gave rise to heavy warping and curving of the specimens. They were distorted to such an extent that they could not be used for test purposes. In this manner two specimens of type K were lost for test work. By means of tack welding before cutting it was possible to reduce the width of the top flange of beam I-1 to 2-1/2 in. without too much distorting the beam. On beam K-I the width of the top flange was reduced to 2-1/2 in. and that of the bottom flange to 3-1/2 in. without too much distortion. All the flanges cut in this manner are not furnished with lips. Since out of four beams treated in the shop, only two more or less satisfactory specimens were obtained, it was decided to test the rest of the specimens as received. The present tests conclude the experimental work on the 48 beam specimens of the last series. In order to obtain some more data on lateral instability it is planned to test some of the 2x4 in. stud sections as beams. Such tests will result in a wider variety of data upon which to base final conclusions. In addition to these tests work has been started on the detailed evaluation of the test results of beams A to G (local instability). This evaluation is not yet completed and will be reported on at a later date.
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
American Iron and Steel Institute
Research Center/Lab(s)
Wei-Wen Yu Center for Cold-Formed Steel Structures
Publication Date
01 May 1941
Document Version
Final Version
Document Type
Technical Report
File Type
Recommended Citation
American Iron and Steel Institute, "Tests on light beams of cold formed steel" (1941). CCFSS Library (1939 - present). 211.
Nineteenth Progress Report