American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Specifications, Standards, Manuals and Research Reports (1946 - present)
Alternative Title
Research Report RP23-02
Diaphragms (Figure 1) serve as a critical component of a building's lateral force resisting system (LFRS), transferring lateral loads from the façade of the structure to the designated vertical lateral force resisting system. Design guidance for profiled steel diaphragm panels can be found in AISI S310 - 20 (AISI 2020) and SDI DDM04 (Luttrell 2015) and are controlled by connection limit states or buckling limit states. Deck connectivity with the underlying frame can either be fully attached (For example 36/7), i.e. connected through the bottom of each flute, or partially attached (for example 36/5 or 36/4) where not all the flutes are attached to the frame (Figure 1). While adequate guidance is provided to account for the impact of support attachment patterns (Figure 1) on the connection limit states, the out of plane panel buckling limit state does not consider this impact. Existing research is also limited to the fully attached (36/7) attachment pattern and no comprehensive dataset exists where tests were specifically designed and performed to study the impact reducing support fasteners (36/5 and 36/4) can have on buckling capacity and behavior.
To further understand the relationship between support attachment pattern and the out-of-plane buckling limit state, nine monotonic tests were conducted at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Robert B. Brack Structural testing facility. These tests were performed on the cantilever test frame and comprised of three unique configurations with three repetitions each. The specimens were all constructed with 22 gauge (0.76 mm) Type B deck (Figure 2) and had identical span lengths (Lv), thickness (t), sidelap, and edge connections and only differed in the number of fasteners at the supports to simulate industry standard attachment patterns (Figure 1). This report summarizes the utilized test procedure, key results, and conclusions of this study.
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)
Publication Date
June 2023
Document Version
Final Version
© 2023 American Iron and Steel Institute, All rights reserved.
Document Type
Technical Report
File Type
Technical Report Number
AISI RP23-02
Recommended Citation
Kapoor, Divyansh R.; Bogh, Brian; and Peterman, Kara D., "Influence of Support Attachment Pattern on the Out-of-Plane Buckling Capacity of Steel Deck" (2023). American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) Specifications, Standards, Manuals and Research Reports (1946 - present). 238.
Report submitted to the American Iron and Steel Institute on June 23rd, 2023