
An accurate quantification of fluxes from heterogeneous sites and further bifurcation into contributing homogeneous fluxes is an active field of research. among such sites, fragmented croplands with varying surface roughness characteristics pose formidable challenges for footprint analysis. We conducted two flux monitoring experiments in fragmented croplands characterized by two dissimilar surfaces with objectives to: (i) evaluate the performance of two analytical footprint models in heterogeneous canopy considering aggregated roughness parameters and (ii) analyze the contribution of fluxes from individual surfaces under changing wind speed. a set of three eddy covariance (EC) towers (one each capturing the homogenous fluxes from individual surfaces and a third, high tower capturing the heterogeneous mixed fluxes) was used for method validation. High-quality EC fluxes that fulfill stationarity and internal turbulence tests were analyzed considering daytime, unstable conditions. in the first experiment, source area contribution from a surface is gradually reduced by progressive cut, and its effect on high-tower flux measurements is analyzed. Two footprint models (Kormann and Meixner 'KM'; analytical solution to Lagrangian model 'FFP') with modified surface roughness parameters were applied under changing source area contributions. FFP model has consistently over predicted the footprints (RMSEFFP = 0.31 m−1, PBIASFFP = 19.00), whereas KM model prediction was gradually changed from over prediction to under prediction towards higher upwind distances (RMSEKM = 0.02 m−1, PBIASKM = 8.50). Sensitivity analysis revealed that the models are more sensitive to turbulent conditions than surface characteristics. This motivated to conduct the second experiment, where the fractional contribution of individual surfaces (α and β) to the heterogeneous fluxes measured by the high tower (T3) was estimated using the principle of superposition (FT3 = α FT1 + β FT2). Results showed that α and β are dynamic during daylight hours and strongly depend on mean wind speed (U) and friction velocity (u*). the contribution of fluxes from adjoining fields [1 − (α + β)] is significant beyond 80% isopleth. Our findings provide guidelines for future analysis of fluxes in heterogeneous, fragmented croplands.


Biological Sciences


Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Grant None

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

1436-5065; 0177-7971

Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


File Type





© 2025 Springer, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Apr 2024

Included in

Biology Commons
