Using Automated Inclusion Analysis for Casting Process Improvements

Vintee Singh
Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Kent D. Peaslee, Missouri University of Science and Technology

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Different industrial melting and ladle practices (deoxidation, slag, refractory types, etc.) used in steel foundries were analyzed and compared using an ASPEX automated inclusion analyzer for study of inclusions. The effects of deoxidation and pouring practices on the size, type and number of inclusions were evaluated for steel foundries equipped with induction and arc melting furnaces, with capacities ranging from 1 to 20 tons. Samples were collected from the furnace, ladle, and castings. Specific rules were developed for classification of inclusions by composition, size distribution and shape. Inclusion statistics, including composition, quantity, shape, and size during cast steel processing from the furnace to the final casting were used for treatment optimization in the foundry ladles.