IR Day + DC-HUG meeting

Presentation For

IR Day

Presentation Type

Poster Session

Presentation Description

Institutional digital repositories provide open access to research outputs created within a university or research institution. Many institutions currently support open access by paying article processing charges (APC) for their affiliated faculty and researchers. The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) Libraries started the Open Access (OA) Fund program in 2014 to help cover the APC of tenure-track UNO authors. The fundamental goals of the UNO OA Fund is to include and encourage the UNO community to publish their research in an OA journal and platform, DigitalCommons@UNO (

This poster focuses on sharing the OA Fund management and its implementation with UNO OA Fund program data from three academic years. Studies have shown that publications made available in institutional repositories like DigitalCommons@UNO are accessed more often offering a greater potential impact to faculty and student populations.

Following this poster session, participants will have learned: the practices of implementing the OA Fund program; the outcomes of the program including the number of applications received and the number of applications denied; total amount spent with a breakdown by departments; and the top five OA funded articles by number of journal article views through DigitalCommons@UNO.

Document Type



Havener Center - Meramec Gasconade

Presentation Date

12 Oct 2017, 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm


Oct 12th, 2:30 PM Oct 12th, 3:15 PM

UNO Open Access Fund Statistics: What do they tell us?

Havener Center - Meramec Gasconade

Institutional digital repositories provide open access to research outputs created within a university or research institution. Many institutions currently support open access by paying article processing charges (APC) for their affiliated faculty and researchers. The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) Libraries started the Open Access (OA) Fund program in 2014 to help cover the APC of tenure-track UNO authors. The fundamental goals of the UNO OA Fund is to include and encourage the UNO community to publish their research in an OA journal and platform, DigitalCommons@UNO (

This poster focuses on sharing the OA Fund management and its implementation with UNO OA Fund program data from three academic years. Studies have shown that publications made available in institutional repositories like DigitalCommons@UNO are accessed more often offering a greater potential impact to faculty and student populations.

Following this poster session, participants will have learned: the practices of implementing the OA Fund program; the outcomes of the program including the number of applications received and the number of applications denied; total amount spent with a breakdown by departments; and the top five OA funded articles by number of journal article views through DigitalCommons@UNO.