
A new video-based vehicle tracking system is proposed to provide accurate information on directional traffic counts at intersections. The extracted counts are fed to estimate an origin- destination trip table which is necessary information for traffic impact study and transportation planning. The system utilizes a fisheye lens to expand the area covered by a single camera and uses a particle filtering method to track an individual vehicle. The filter is designed to handle environmental changes and multiple motion dynamics. Experimental results show its strong ability on tracking in various conditions. The paper shows how to use the tracking outputs in obtaining accurate origin-destination (O-D) table.

Meeting Name

32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics (2006: Nov. 6-10, Paris)


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Origin-Destination; traffic estimation; traffic movement counts; vehicle tracking system

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version

Final Version

File Type





© 2006 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2006
