Second to fourth digit ratio: A measure related to intelligence

Presenter Information

Lauren Summerville


Psychological Science



Research Advisor

Bichsel, Jacqueline Michelle

Advisor's Department

Psychological Science

Funding Source

Missouri S&T Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experiences (OURE) Program


Androgens influence individual differences in a conventional way: They increase the masculinity of the individual. The ratio of the index finger length to ring finger length, otherwise known as 2D:4D, is a known reflection of prenatal androgen exposure. Smaller digit ratios can be inferred as higher prenatal androgen exposure, a more masculine trait, while larger digit ratios can be inferred as weaker prenatal androgen exposure, a more feminine trait. This ratio of digit lengths has been used to study the effects of prenatal androgenization on human cognition. I correlated this digit ratio with an intelligence measure in 19 men and women. I found a relation between 2D:4D and long-term memory (r = .28, p = .01). 2D:4D may be a beneficial tool in accounting for individual differences in intelligence.


Lauren is to graduate May 2011 with her Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology with an emphasis in Cognitive Neuroscience. She also has successfully completed a minor in History at S&T. She is the current president of the Psychological Science department’s honor society, Psi Chi and also the president of the social, informational, and service organization PsyCo. She is concluding her second year as a Research Assistant in Dr. Bichsel’s Cognitive Studies Lab and hopes to continue research while she pursues a Masters in Experimental Psychology. Eventually, she hopes to obtain a doctorate in Psychology, with an emphasis in Evolutionary Psychology. This will be her second appearance at Missouri S&T’s Undergraduate Research Conference.

Research Category

Social Sciences

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Document Type



Sciences oral presentation, Second place


Carver Room

Presentation Date

06 Apr 2011, 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

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Apr 6th, 2:00 PM Apr 6th, 2:30 PM

Second to fourth digit ratio: A measure related to intelligence

Carver Room

Androgens influence individual differences in a conventional way: They increase the masculinity of the individual. The ratio of the index finger length to ring finger length, otherwise known as 2D:4D, is a known reflection of prenatal androgen exposure. Smaller digit ratios can be inferred as higher prenatal androgen exposure, a more masculine trait, while larger digit ratios can be inferred as weaker prenatal androgen exposure, a more feminine trait. This ratio of digit lengths has been used to study the effects of prenatal androgenization on human cognition. I correlated this digit ratio with an intelligence measure in 19 men and women. I found a relation between 2D:4D and long-term memory (r = .28, p = .01). 2D:4D may be a beneficial tool in accounting for individual differences in intelligence.