Statistical Analysis of Baseball Attendance after a White Flag Trade

Presenter Information

Samantha Schussele


Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science


Nuclear Engineering

Research Advisor

Davis, Michael C.

Advisor's Department


Funding Source

Missouri S&T Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experiences (OURE) Program


In this research, a linear regression analysis is performed to determine the effect of a White Flag trade on the attendance of two Major League Baseball teams, the Cleveland Indians and the Chicago White Sox. Contrary to hypothesized results, the analysis of the Indians demonstrates an initial increase of between 3400 and 3800 people following the trade, which could be due to publicity surrounding the team. The analysis of the White Sox, however, shows no significant effect from the trade. These results do not necessarily signify that the trade had no effect on attendance but may arise from errors in the study, such as failure to properly account for team success or for the effects of the baseball strike of 1994.


Samantha Schussele is a junior in Nuclear Engineering at Missouri S&T. Currently, she is Secretary/Treasurer of National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH), a peer mentor for the On-Track program, a member of the varsity cross country and track teams as well as a member of both American Nuclear Society (ANS) and Women in Nuclear (WIN). Samantha is also part of the Honors Academy and will be starting her senior thesis next semester. This past summer, Samantha worked as a Reactor Engineering Intern for Exelon Corporation and plans on returning in June for another summer internship with them. Her interest in Economics research was sparked two years ago when Dr. Michael Davis presented his work to Honors Academy students.

Research Category

Social Sciences

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Document Type



Social sciences oral presentation, First place


Carver Room

Presentation Date

07 Apr 2010, 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm

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Apr 7th, 1:30 PM Apr 7th, 2:00 PM

Statistical Analysis of Baseball Attendance after a White Flag Trade

Carver Room

In this research, a linear regression analysis is performed to determine the effect of a White Flag trade on the attendance of two Major League Baseball teams, the Cleveland Indians and the Chicago White Sox. Contrary to hypothesized results, the analysis of the Indians demonstrates an initial increase of between 3400 and 3800 people following the trade, which could be due to publicity surrounding the team. The analysis of the White Sox, however, shows no significant effect from the trade. These results do not necessarily signify that the trade had no effect on attendance but may arise from errors in the study, such as failure to properly account for team success or for the effects of the baseball strike of 1994.