Submissions from 2024
A Human-Centered Power Conservation Framework based on Reverse Auction Theory and Machine Learning, Enrico Casella, Simone Silvestri, Denise A. Baker, and Sajal K. Das
The Impact of Open Educational Resources on Student Achievement: A Meta-analysis, Kit W. Cho and Vahe Permzadian
A Strategic Insight into the Market for Carbon Management Capacity, Mahelet G. Fikru, Ting Shen, Jennifer Brodmann, and Hongyan Ma
The Influence of Sensory Modality on Aesthetic Judgments of Poetry, Jessica Frame, Kendra Mehl, Karen J. Head, and Amy M. Belfi
Editorial: The Musical Brain, Volume II, Jonathan Fritz, Amy M. Belfi, Jessica Grahn, John Iversen, Isabelle Peretz, and Robert Zatorre
Editors’ Introduction: June 2024, Thalia R. Goldstein and Amy M. Belfi
An Assessment of Interventions to Improve Underground Coal Miners’ Ability to Self-Escape using Human-Centered Design Methods, Eugene A. Gyawu, Danise A. Baker, and Kwame Awuah-Offei
Bias toward the Accents of Virtual Assistants, Sarah E. Hercula, Daniel Burton Shank, Jessica L. Cundiff, and David Wright
Individual Differences in Music-evoked Autobiographical Memories, Kelly Jakubowski, Edith Lee, Elena Bai, and Amy M. Belfi
Musical Reward in Young Children, Haley E. Kragness, Kendra Mehl, and Amy M. Belfi
Music-Evoked Autobiographical Memories Are Associated With Negative Affect In Younger And Older Adults, Kendra Mehl, Alaine E. Reschke-Hernandez, Julien Hanson, Lauren Linhardt, Jessica Frame, Matthew Dew, Elizabeth Kickbusch, Chase Johnson, Elena Bai, and Amy M. Belfi
Assessing the Predictive Validity of Expectancy Theory for Academic Performance, Vahe Permzadian and Ting Shen
The Role of Affective States in the Process of Goal Setting, Vahe Permzadian and Teng Zhao
How to Frame the Frame of Reference: A Comparison of Contextualization Methods, Ann E. Schlotzhauer, Matthew A. Ng, and Shiyang Su
How to Frame the Frame of Reference: A Comparison of Contextualization Methods, Ann E. Schlotzhauer, Matthew A. Ng, and Shiyang Su
Moral Behaviour Alters Impressions of Humans and Ais on Teams: Unethical Ais Are More Powerful While Ethical Humans Are Nicer, Daniel Burton Shank, Matthew Dew, and Fatima Sajjad
Small-class Effects on Science Achievement in Secondary Education, Ting Shen
Designing Explainable AI To Improve Human-AI Team Performance: A Medical Stakeholder-Driven Scoping Review, Harishankar V. Subramanian, Casey I. Canfield, and Daniel Burton Shank
The Face of the Future: An Affective Mental Time Traveler in Saul Bellow’s “A Father-To-Be”, Yanfang Tong and Ting Shen
Submissions from 2023
Guest Editor’s Introduction April 2023, Amy M. Belfi
Detecting Mental Distresses Using Social Behavior Analysis In The Context Of COVID-19: A Survey, Sahraoui Dhelim, Liming Chen, Sajal K. Das, Huansheng Ning, Chris Nugent, Gerard Leavey, Dirk Pesch, Eleanor Bantry-White, and Devin Michael Burns
Your Ears Don’t Change What Your Eyes Like: People Can Independently Report The Pleasure Of Music And Images, Jessica Frame, Maria Gugliano, Elena Bai, Aenne Brielmann, and Amy M. Belfi
Occupational and Environmental Factors Influencing Morale of United States Federal Wildland Firefighters, Rachel M. Granberg, Ting Shen, Seth W. Pearson, and Robin M. Verble
Relationships among Nurse Managers' Job Design, Work Environment, and Nurse and Patient Outcomes, Elizabeth M. Grandfield, Ann E. Schlotzhauer, Emily Cramer, and Nora E. Warshawsky
Don’t Touch That Dial: Psychological Reactance, Transparency, And User Acceptance Of Smart Thermostat Setting Changes, Matthew Heatherly, Denise A. Baker, and Casey I. Canfield
Adapting the Verbal-Guise Technique: A STEM-Focused U.S. Campus Community’s Attitudes toward Nonnative Englishes, Sarah E. Hercula and Jessica L. Cundiff
Comparing Music- and Food-Evoked Autobiographical Memories in Young and Older Adults: A Diary Study, Kelly Jakubowski, Amy M. Belfi, Lia Kvavilashvili, Abbigail Ely, Mark Gill, and Gemma Herbert
Class Size And Teacher Effects On Non-cognitive Outcomes In Grades K-3: A Fixed Effects Analysis Of ECLS-K:2011 Data, Spyros Konstantopoulos and Ting Shen
Impact of Merging into a Comprehensive Cancer Center on Health Care Teams and Subsequent Team-Member and Patient Experiences, Debarati Majumdar, Clair Reynolds Kueny, and Morgan Anderson
Impact of Merging into a Comprehensive Cancer Center on Health Care Teams and Subsequent Team-Member and Patient Experiences, Debarati Majumdar, Clair Reynolds Kueny, and Morgan Anderson
Impact of Merging into a Comprehensive Cancer Center on Health Care Teams and Subsequent Team-Member and Patient Experiences, Debarati Majumdar, Clair Reynolds Kueny, and Morgan Anderson
Differences in Autobiographical Memories Reported using Text and Voice during Everyday Life, Emily Pearson, Jenna Graff, Elena Bai, Kelly Jakubowski, and Amy M. Belfi
Differences in Autobiographical Memories Reported using Text and Voice during Everyday Life, Emily Pearson, Jenna Graff, Elena Bai, Kelly Jakubowski, and Amy M. Belfi
Differences in Autobiographical Memories Reported using Text and Voice during Everyday Life, Emily Pearson, Jenna Graff, Elena Bai, Kelly Jakubowski, and Amy M. Belfi
Individual and Organizational Factors Associated with Nurse Manager Success, Ann E. Schlotzhauer, Emily Cramer, Elizabeth M. Grandfield, and Nora E. Warshawsky
Family Environments And Educational Inequality During The COVID-19 Pandemic In The UK, Ting Shen
Risking One’s Life to Save One’s Livelihood: Precarious Work, Presenteeism, and Worry About Disease Exposure during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Mindy K. Shoss, Hanyi Min, Kristin Horan, Ann E. Schlotzhauer, Jeannie A.S. Nigam, and Naomi G. Swanson
Working Hard or Hardly Working? an Examination of Job Preservation Responses to Job Insecurity, Mindy K. Shoss, Shiyang Su, Ann E. Schlotzhauer, and Nicole Carusone
A Content Validation of Work Passion: Was the Passion Ever There?, Rachel Williamson Smith, Hanyi Min, Matthew A. Ng, Nicholas J. Haynes, and Malissa A. Clark
Combining Uncertainty Information With AI Recommendations Supports Calibration With Domain Knowledge, Harishankar Vasudevanallur Subramanian, Casey I. Canfield, Daniel Burton Shank, and Matthew Kinnison
Establishing Links Between Safety Culture, Climate, Behaviors, And Outcomes Of Long-haul Truck Drivers, Carlton Washburn, Clair Reynolds Kueny, and Susan L. Murray
Submissions from 2022
Investigating the Role of Involuntary Retrieval in Music-Evoked Autobiographical Memories, Amy M. Belfi, Elena Bai, Ava Stroud, Raelynn Twohy, and Janelle N. Beadle
Investigating the Role of Involuntary Retrieval in Music-Evoked Autobiographical Memories, Amy M. Belfi, Elena Bai, Ava Stroud, Raelynn Twohy, and Janelle N. Beadle
Measurement Effects in Decision-Making, Devin Michael Burns and Charlotte Hohnemann
HVAC Power Conservation through Reverse Auctions and Machine Learning, Enrico Casella, Atieh R. Khamesi, Simone Silvestri, Denise A. Baker, and Sajal K. Das
Conceptual Retrieval for Unique Entities Does Not Require Proper Names, Whitney Davidson, Brooke Boulais, Daniel Tranel, and Amy M. Belfi
Knowing When to Pass: The Effect of AI Reliability in Risky Decision Contexts, H. Elder, T. Rieger, Casey I. Canfield, Daniel Burton Shank, and Casey Hines
Frame of Reference Training for Content Analysis with Structured Teams (Fort-Cast): A Framework for Content Analysis of Open-Ended Survey Questions using Multidisciplinary Coders, Sandra J. Galura, Kristin A. Horan, Joy Parchment, Daleen Penoyer, Ann Schlotzhauer, Kenzie Dye, and Emily Hill
Miner-Centered Approach to Understanding Technology Needs for Self-Escape in Underground Coal Mine Emergencies, E. A. Gyawu, Kwame Awuah-Offei, and Denise A. Baker
Guiding a Human Follower with Interaction Forces: Implications on Physical Human-Robot Interaction, George L. Holmes, Keyri Moreno Bonnett, Amy Costa, Devin Michael Burns, and Yun Seong Song
What Does Online I-O Education Really Need? Perspectives of Online Program Affiliates, Kristi Logan, Clair Reynolds Kueny, Chelsea Lenoble, Diana Sanchez, and Jeanie Whinghter
How “Stuff” Matters in Affect Control Theory, Rohan Lulham and Daniel Burton Shank
Perceptions of Violations by Artificial and Human Actors across Moral Foundations, Timothy Maninger and Daniel Burton Shank
Perceptions of Violations by Artificial and Human Actors Across Moral Foundations, Timothy Maninger and Daniel Burton Shank
Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis of a Fully Mobile Radiation Oncology System using Monte Carlo Simulation, Alex T. Price, Casey I. Canfield, Geoffrey D. Hugo, James A. Kavanaugh, Lauren E. Henke, Eric Laugeman, Pamela Samson, Clair Reynolds-Kueny, and Elizabeth A. Cudney
How Does Employees’ Behavior Change How We Feel About their Organization? Transfer of Affective Impressions between Employees and Organizations, Daniel Burton Shank and Alexander Burns
How Does Employees’ Behavior Change How We Feel About their Organization? Transfer of Affective Impressions between Employees and Organizations, Daniel Burton Shank and Alexander Burns
Ai Composer Bias: Listeners Like Music Less When They Think It Was Composed by an Ai, Daniel Burton Shank, Courtney Stefanik, Cassidy Stuhlsatz, Kaelyn Kacirek, and Amy M. Belfi
Discontinuance and Restricted Acceptance to Reduce Worry after Unwanted Incidents with Smart Home Technology, Daniel Burton Shank, David Wright, Sumina Nasrin, and Mariter White
Discontinuance and Restricted Acceptance to Reduce Worry after Unwanted Incidents with Smart Home Technology, Daniel Burton Shank, David Wright, Sumina Nasrin, and Mariter White
Are Class Size and Teacher Characteristics Associated with Cognitive Outcomes in Early Grades?, Ting Shen and Spyros Konstantopoulos
Incorporating Complex Sampling Weights in Multilevel Analyses of Education Data, Ting Shen and Spyros Konstantopoulos
Incorporating Complex Sampling Weights in Multilevel Analyses of Education Data, Ting Shen and Spyros Konstantopoulos
Increasing the Saliency of Ethical Decision Making for SIOP Members, Elizabeth L. Shoenfelt, Janet L. Kottke, and Nancy J. Stone
Increasing the Saliency of Ethical Decision Making for SIOP Members, Elizabeth L. Shoenfelt, Janet L. Kottke, and Nancy J. Stone
Optimizing Exterior Lighting Illuminance and Spectrum for Human, Environmental, and Economic Factors., S. M. Simmons, Stuart Werner Baur, William L. Gillis, Devin Michael Burns, and Heath Pickerill
Keys to Effective Online I-O Master's Programs: Ensuring Employability, Nancy J. Stone and Elizabeth L. Shoenfelt
Keys to Effective Online I-O Master's Programs: Ensuring Employability, Nancy J. Stone and Elizabeth L. Shoenfelt
The Influence of Nurse Manager Competency on Practice Environment, Missed Nursing Care, and Patient Care Quality: A Cross-Sectional Study of Nurse Managers in U.s. Hospitals, Nora E. Warshawsky, Emily Cramer, Elizabeth M. Grandfield, and Ann E. Schlotzhauer
How Do People Judge the Immorality of Artificial Intelligence Versus Humans Committing Moral Wrongs in Real-World Situations?, Abigail Wilson, Courtney Stefanik, and Daniel Burton Shank
Rejecting and Restricting Smart Home Technology, David Wright and Daniel Burton Shank
Submissions from 2021
Social Bonding and Music: Evidence from Lesions to the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex, Amy M. Belfi
Music and Autobiographical Memory, Amy M. Belfi and Kelly Jakubowski
Musical Reward across the Lifespan, Amy M. Belfi; Georgina L. Moreno; Maria Gugliano; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.
Aesthetic Judgments of Live and Recorded Music: Effects of Congruence Between Musical Artist and Piece, Amy M. Belfi, David W. Samson, Jonathan Crane, and Nicholas L. Schmidt
Determining Patient Satisfaction Indicators in a Rural Wound Care Center, Elizabeth A. Cudney, Susan L. Murray, and Clair Reynolds Kueny
The “Princess Syndrome”: An Examination of Gender Harassment on a Male-Majority University Campus, Jessica L. Cundiff
WAGES-Classroom Board Game, Jessica L. Cundiff and Leah R. Warner
Alz-Sense: A Novel Non-invasive Pre-clinical Testing to Differentiate Dementia from MCI, Debraj De, Devin Michael Burns, Mignon Makos, Bonnie Bachman, and Sajal K. Das
Total Productive Maintenance of Make-To-Stock Production-Inventory Systems via Artificial-Intelligence-Based ISMART, Angelo Encapera, Abhijit Gosavi, and Susan L. Murray
Motivations for Social Interaction: The Case of Pokémon Go After the Fad Ended, Jocelyn Evans, Sara Z. Evans, Daniel Burton Shank, and Quinton P. Fallon
The Psychological and Biological Impact of COVID-19: An Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion, Amber M. Henslee, David J. Westenberg, and Yang Wang
Streaming video available
Phenomenological Differences in Music- and Television-Evoked Autobiographical Memories, Kelly Jakubowski, Amy M. Belfi, and Tuomas Eerola
The Climate Commons Dilemma: How Can Humanity Solve the Commons Dilemma for the Global Climate Commons?, Yang Li, David K. Sewell, Saam Saber, Daniel B. Shank, and Yoshihisa Kashima
Has the Covid-19 Pandemic Accelerated the Future of Work or Changed its Course? Implications for Research and Practice, Matthew A. Ng, Anthony Naranjo, Ann E. Schlotzhauer, Mindy K. Shoss, Nika Kartvelishvili, Matthew Bartek, Kenneth Ingraham, Alexis Rodriguez, Sara Kira Schneider, Lauren Silverlieb-Seltzer, and Carolina Silva
Has the Covid-19 Pandemic Accelerated the Future of Work or Changed its Course? Implications for Research and Practice, Matthew A. Ng, Anthony Naranjo, Ann E. Schlotzhauer, Mindy K. Shoss, Nika Kartvelishvili, Matthew Bartek, Kenneth Ingraham, Alexis Rodriguez, Sara Kira Schneider, Lauren Silverlieb-Seltzer, and Carolina Silva
Factors Affecting the Sensitivity to Small Interaction Forces in Humans, Fazlur Rashid, Devin Michael Burns, and Yun Seong Song
Sensing Small Interaction Forces through Proprioception, Fazlur Rashid, Devin Michael Burns, and Yun Seong Song
Sensemaking and Negative Emotion Sharing: Perceived Listener Reactions as Interpersonal Cues Driving Workplace Outcomes, Clair Reynolds Kueny and Mindy K. Shoss
Complex Sampling Designs in Large-Scale Education Surveys: A Two-Level Sample Distribution Approach, Ting Shen and Spyros Konstantopoulos
Ethics and I-O Psychology: Do We Just Talk the Talk or Do We Walk the Walk?, Nancy J. Stone, Janet L. Kottke, and Elizabeth L. Shoenfelt
Reducing Kidney Discard with Artificial Intelligence Decision Support: The Need for a Transdisciplinary Systems Approach, Richard Threlkeld, Lirim Ashiku, Casey I. Canfield, Daniel Burton Shank, Mark A. Schnitzler, Krista L. Lentine, David A. Axelrod, Anil Choudary Reddy Battineni, Henry Randall, and Cihan H. Dagli
Outcomes of Training in Smart Home Technology Adoption: A living laboratory study, David Wright, Daniel Burton Shank, and Thomas Yarbrough
Submissions from 2020
Embracing Anti-Racist Practices in the Music Perception and Cognition Community, David John Baker; Amy M. Belfi; Sarah Creel; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.
Four Ironies of Self-quantification: Wearable Technologies and the Quantified Self, Denise A. Baker
Just Sit Back and Watch: Large Disparities between Video and Face-to-face Interview Observers in Applicant Ratings, Denise A. Baker, Devin Michael Burns, and Clair Reynolds Kueny
Comparing Methods for Analyzing Music-Evoked Autobiographical Memories, Amy M. Belfi, Elena Bai, and Ava Stroud
The Famous Melodies Stimulus Set, Amy M. Belfi and Kaelyn Kacirek
Musical Anhedonia and Rewards of Music Listening: Current Advances and a Proposed Model, Amy M. Belfi and Psyche Loui