Film Condensation with High Heat Fluxes and Scaled Experiments using Pure Steam for Reactor Containment Cooling
Condensation tests were performed using a newly developed test facility for scaling the passive containment cooling system (PCCS) to a small modular reactor (SMR). the PCCS of the SMR plays a pivotal role in ensuring greater safety, reliability, and compactness than what is afforded by traditional reactors. Therefore, a well-designed PCCS is essential to SMRs. However, previous studies and test data were unsuitable for scaling, due to high variation in the test geometry and operating conditions. This study intends to close this research gap by using a novel designed scaled test facility consisting of vertical condensing test sections featuring 1-, 2-, and 4-inch-diameter condensing tubes with annular water cooling, and by applying superheated and saturated steam with different steam mass flow ranges of 5–25 g/s. the primary test data, including axial temperatures, mass flow rates, and pressures, were used in conjunction with a standard data reduction method to estimate critical parameters such as heat fluxes, heat transfer coefficients, and condensation rates. These scaled test data would support improving empirical correlations and validating condensation models to identify scaling distortion for SMR PCCSs.
Recommended Citation
P. K. Bhowmik et al., "Film Condensation with High Heat Fluxes and Scaled Experiments using Pure Steam for Reactor Containment Cooling," Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 229, article no. 120610, Elsevier, Jul 2023.
The definitive version is available at
Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science
Keywords and Phrases
Heat transfer; PCCS; Scaled test; SMR; Steam condensation
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
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© 2025 Elsevier, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
05 Jul 2023