Mathematics and Statistics Masters Theses
Theses from 2024
A New Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method with Second Difference Quotients for the Wave Equation, Andrew Calvin Janes
Comparative Study of Crypto Volatility and Price Forecasting using a Mixture of Time Series and Machine Learning Models, Abhishek Kafle
The Deep BSDE Method, Daniel Kovach
The Exponential Function in Discrete Fractional Calculus under the Delta Operator, Brayton James Link
Cryptographic Algorithms, Cryptocurrencies, and a Predictive Model of Bitcoin Value by Pls Regression, Paul Kenneth O'Connor
Theses from 2023
The Application of Statistical Modeling to Identify Genetic Associations with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes, Caroline Schott
Meta-Analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Gene Expression Data from Obese and Non-Obese Patients, Dakota William Shields
Theses from 2022
Continuous and discrete models for optimal harvesting in fisheries, Nagham Abbas Al Qubbanchee
Several problems in nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Tim Van Hoose
Theses from 2020
Decoupled finite element methods for general steady two-dimensional Boussinesq equations, Lioba Boveleth
Quantifying effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance, Quang Nghia Le
The application of machine learning models in the concussion diagnosis process, Sujit Subhash
Theses from 2019
Less is more: Beating the market with recurrent reinforcement learning, Louis Kurt Bernhard Steinmeister
Theses from 2018
Models for high dimensional spatially correlated risks and application to thunderstorm loss data in Texas, Tobias Merk
An investigation of the influence of the 2007-2009 recession on the day of the week effect for the S&P 500 and its sectors, Marcel Alwin Trick
Theses from 2017
The pantograph equation in quantum calculus, Thomas Griebel
Comparing region level testing methods for differential DNA methylation analysis, Arnold Albert Harder
A review of random matrix theory with an application to biological data, Jesse Aaron Marks
Family-based association studies of autism in boys via facial-feature clusters, Luke Andrew Settles
Theses from 2016
Pricing of geometric Asian options in general affine stochastic volatility models, Johannes Ruppert
On the double chain ladder for reserve estimation with bootstrap applications, Larissa Schoepf
Theses from 2015
Some combinatorial applications of Sage, an open source program, Jessica Ruth Chowning
Day of the week effect in returns and volatility of the S&P 500 sector indices, Juan Liu
Application of loglinear models to claims triangle runoff data, Netanya Lee Martin
Theses from 2014
Adaptive wavelet discretization of tensor products in H-Tucker format, Mazen Ali
An iterative algorithm for variational data assimilation problems, Xin Shen
Statistical analysis of sleep patterns in Drosophila melanogaster, Luyang Wang
Theses from 2013
Statistical analysis of microarray data in sleep deprivation, Stephanie Marie Berhorst
Immersed finite element method for interface problems with algebraic multigrid solver, Wenqiang Feng
Theses from 2012
Abel dynamic equations of the first and second kind, Sabrina Heike Streipert
Lattice residuability, Philip Theodore Thiem
Theses from 2011
A time series approach to electric load modelling, Matthias Benjamin Noller
Theses from 2010
Closed-form solutions to discrete-time portfolio optimization problems, Mathias Christian Goeggel
Inverse limits with upper semi-continuous set valued bonding functions: an example, Christopher David Jacobsen
Theses from 2009
The analogue of the iterated logarithm for quantum difference equations, Karl Friedrich Ulrich
Theses from 2008
The dynamic multiplier-accelerator model in economics, Julius Severi Heim
Dynamic equations with piecewise continuous argument, Christian Keller
Theses from 2007
Ostrowski and Grüss inequalities on time scales, Thomas Matthews
The Black-Scholes equation in quantum calculus, Christian Müttel
Computerized proofs of hypergeometric identities: Methods, advances, and limitations, Paul Nathaniel Runnion
Screening for noise variables, Lisa Trautwein
Theses from 2006
Distance function applications of object comparison in artificial vision systems, Christina Michelle Ayres
Sensitivity analysis on the relationship between alcohol abuse or dependence and wages, Tim Jensen
Sensitivity analysis on the relationship between alcohol abuse or dependence and annual hours worked, Stefan Koerner
Endogeneity bias and two-stage least squares: a simulation study, Xujun Wang
Theses from 2005
Local compactness of the hyperspace of connected subsets, Robbie A. Beane
A sequential approach to supersaturated design, Angela Marie Jugan
Tests for gene-treatment interaction in microarray data analysis, Wanrong Yin
Theses from 2003
Pricing of European options, Dirk Rohmeder
Prediction intervals for the binomial distribution with dependent trials, Florian Sebastian Rueck
Theses from 2002
The use of a Marakov dependent Bernoulli process to model the relationship between employment status and drug use, Kathrin Koetting
Theses from 2000
Inverse limits on [0,1] using sequences of piecewise linear unimodal bonding maps, Brian Edward Raines
Theses from 1998
A two-stage step-stress accelerated life testing scheme, Phyllis E. Pound Singer
Theses from 1997
Some properties of hereditarily indecomposable chainable continua, Thomas John Kacvinsky
Theses from 1996
The Axiom of Choice, well-ordering property, Continuum Hypothesis, and other meta-mathematical considerations, Daniel Collins
Theses from 1994
Theses from 1986
Investigating the output angular acceleration extrema of the planar four bar mechanism, Matthew H. Koebbe
Theses from 1984
Approximating distributions in order restricted inference : the simple tree ordering, Tuan Anh Tran
Theses from 1982
Goodness-of-fit for the Weibull distribution with unknown parameters and censored sampling., Michael Edward Aho
Theses from 1979
On L convergence of Fourier series., William O. Bray
Theses from 1977
Characterizations of inner product spaces., John Lee Roy Williams
Theses from 1975
A study of several substitution ciphers using mathematical models., Wanda Louise Garner
Theses from 1974
Models for molecular vibration, Allan Bruce Capps
The completions of local rings and their modules., Christopher Scott Taber
Linear geometry, Phyllis L. Thomas
Theses from 1971
Integrability of the sums of the trigonometric series 1/2 aₒ + ∞ [over] Σ [over] n=1 an cos nΘ and ∞ [over] Σ [over] n=1 an sin nΘ, John William Garrett
Inclusion theorems for boundary value problems for delay differential equations, Leon M. Hall
Theses from 1965
A study of certain conservative sets for parameters in the linear statistical model, Roger Alan Chapin
Comparison of methods to select a probability model, Howard Lyndal Colburn
Latent class analysis and information retrieval, George Loyd Jensen
Linear and quadratic programming with more than one objective function, William John Lodholz
Tschebyscheff fitting with polynomials and nonlinear functions, George F. Luffel
Theses from 1964
The effect of matrix condition in the solution of a system of linear algebraic equations., Herbert R. Alcorn
Estimation and tabulation of bias coefficients for regression analysis in incompletely specified linear models., Harry Kerry Edwards
A study of a method for selecting the best of two or more mathematical models, August J. Garver
A study of methods for estimating parameters in the model y(t) = A₁e-p₁t + A₂e-p₂t + ϵ, Gerald Nicholas Haas
A parameter perturbation procedure for obtaining a solution to systems of nonlinear equations., James Carlton Helm
A study of stability of numerical solution for parabolic partial differential equations., Tsang-Chi Huang
A numerical study of Van Der Pol's nonlinear differential equation for various values of the parameter E., Charles C. Limbaugh
A study on estimating parameters restricted by linear inequalities, William Lawrence May
Minimization of Boolean functions., Don Laroy Rogier
A method to give the best linear combination of order statistics to estimate the mean of any symmetric population, Robert M. Smith
On a numerical solution of Dirichlet type problems with singularity on the boundary., Randall Loran Yoakum
Theses from 1963
A study of methods for estimating parameters in rational polynomial models, Thomas B. Baird
Investigation of measures of ill-conditioning, Thomas D. Calton
A study of methods for determining confidence intervals for the mean of a normal distribution with unknown varience by comparison of average lengths, Karl Richard Kneile
Stability properties of various predictor corrector methods for solving ordinary differential equations numerically., Charles Edward. Leslie
Mathematical techniques in the solution of boundary value problems., Vincent Paul Pusateri
A modified algorithm for Henrici's solution of y' ' = f (x,y), Frank Garnett Walters
Theses from 1962
An investigation of Lehmer's method for finding the roots of polynomial equations using the Royal-McBee LGP-30, James W. Joiner
Theses from 1931
The spinning top, Aaron Jefferson Miles