Masters Theses


"Even under service loads, reinforced concrete (RC) structures can develop cracks that result in excessive deflection of the structures and provide passages for moisture to corrode steel reinforcement. It is thus critical to develop a simple, cost-effective tool for real-time crack monitoring and associated corrosion detection that may affect the engineering maintenance of RC structures. The objectives of this study include: (1) to develop a die-cut manufacturing process of coaxial cables with spiral outer conductors, (2) to quantify the sensing properties of a miniaturized topology-based crack sensor, (3) to investigate the effectiveness of various sensor installation procedures in RC applications, and (4) to detect the distribution of corrosion in steel reinforcement. A new manufacturing process was developed to fabricate spirally-wrapped, miniaturized coaxial cables in the order of mm in diameter. To understand their performance and sensitivity, eight miniaturized sensors were fabricated and placed in seven RC concrete members that were tested under three-point loading. Various grout materials were also investigated to compare their effects on sensor sensitivity. Test results indicated that the miniaturized, die-cut coaxial cable sensors are more uniform and more sensitive to cracks than their early versions since the new manufacturing process can refine the topology of their outer conductors. Like embedment, surface attachment of a coaxial cable on a RC member can be effective with appropriate bonding agents such as Sikagrout materials. Preliminary tests by submerging coaxial cables into 3% and 5% NaCl solutions demonstrated that cable sensors can indicate the breaching of small holes on their outer conductor as a result of corrosion, potentially providing a promising technology for distributed corrosion detection"--Abstract, page iii.


Chen, Genda


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Civil Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Spring 2011


xi, 97 pages


© 2011 Iana Muchaidze, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Cables -- CorrosionCoaxial cables -- EvaluationDetectorsReinforced concrete -- CrackingStructural health monitoring

Thesis Number

T 9846

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Electronic OCLC #

