Masters Theses

Keywords and Phrases

Via transition


"In the first article of this thesis, the charge delivery in the power distribution network for printed circuit board has been analyzed in the time-domain. Performing all the simulations and analyzing the PDN physics and modeling, I contributed to a better understanding of the time-domain decoupling mechanism. The second paper studies the noise coupling sing a segmentation approach combined with a via-to-antipad capacitance model and a plane-pair cavity model. Building equivalent circuit models as well as analyzing design strategies, I contributed to a new approach for the PDN analysis in multilayer PCBs. The third article discusses how to estimate the amount of current needed for large ICs and how to evaluate the amount of noise voltage due to this current draw. After accurate discussion of the design strategies, I modeled and simulated the free evolution of a charged PCB with and without decoupling capacitors. The depletion of charges stored between the power buses in time and frequency-domain has been investigated as a function of the plane thickness, SMT decoupling closeness in the fourth paper. With my contribution, the time and frequency-domain in the PDN have been related using circuit approach. In the fifth paper, I analyzed a 26-layer printed circuit board performing milling, measurements and building circuit models. It is the first time that the segmentation approach has been used for differential geometry. In addition, Debye materials have been implemented in the cavity model"--Abstract, page iv.


Drewniak, James L.

Committee Member(s)

Beetner, Daryl G.
Pommerenke, David


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Degree Name

M.S. in Electrical Engineering


Missouri University of Science and Technology. Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory


Missouri University of Science and Technology

Publication Date

Spring 2008

Journal article titles appearing in thesis/dissertation

  • Comparing time-domain and frequency domain techniques for investigation on charge delivery and power-bus noise for high-speed circuit boards
  • Design methodology for PDN synthesis on multi-layer PCBs
  • Differential vias transit on modeling in a multilayer printed circuit board
  • Early time charge replenishment of the power delivery network in multi-layer PCBs
  • Noise coupling between signal and power/ground nets due to signal vias transitioning through power/ground plane pair


xiii, 86pages


© 2008 Matteo Cocchini, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Electronic circuits -- Noise
Integrated circuits
Printed circuits -- Design and construction
Time-domain analysis

Thesis Number

T 9338

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #

