Masters Theses
"Increasing population and industrialization in Franklin County, Missouri, has led to increased demand for water. Much of this demand will be satisfied from ground water resources. Although the general geology of Franklin County has been mentioned in several publications, no detailed study of structure and ground water geology had been done. This thesis consists of study of stratigraphy, lithology, and geologic structure, and analysis of well log data to determine occurrence and availability of ground water, in the southern half of Franklin County.
Stratigraphy and lithology is compiled from previous literature, modified to agree with well log data. Structural geology is determined from correlation of well logs and field mapping of the central 38 square miles of the area. Structural data, shown on contour maps of the tops of two major aquifers, the Gasconade and Eminence formations, on isopach map of the Gasconade, and three cross-sections, reveal four major and several minor northeasterly plunging folds. No evidence was found for some possible faults shown on previously published maps. Outcrops examined are indicated on a detailed geologic map of the field area.
Relation of number of wells drilled in various formations to expanding population is shown graphically. Depth to static and dynamic water levels, drawdown, and production rates are described for several formations. Specific capacities of the major aquifers are computed. Variations in chemical quality of ground water are illustrated by representative analyses within the area. Appendices list surface elevation, total depth, production and specific capacity of all wells studied"--Abstract, page ii.
Maxwell, James C.
Committee Member(s)
Frizzell, Don L. (Donald Leslie), 1906-1972
Heagler, John B., 1924-1999
Muir, Clifford D.
Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering
Degree Name
M.S. in Geology
Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy
Publication Date
vii, 92 pages
Note about bibliography
Includes bibliographical references (pages 64-65).
© 1962 Kemal Piskin, All rights reserved.
Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
File Type
Thesis Number
T 1396
Print OCLC #
Electronic OCLC #
Link to Catalog Record
Recommended Citation
Piskin, Kemal, "Ground water investigation in the southern half of Franklin County, Missouri" (1962). Masters Theses. 2714.
Location of water wells and cross-sections in the southern half of Franklin County
Piskin_Kemal_1962_Plate_2.tif (122583 kB)
Geologic map of the St. Clair-Anaconda area
Piskin_Kemal_1962_Plate_3.tif (125260 kB)
Cross-section A-B
Piskin_Kemal_1962_Plate_4.tif (83084 kB)
Cross-section C-D
Piskin_Kemal_1962_Plate_5.tif (63614 kB)
Cross-section E-F
Piskin_Kemal_1962_Plate_6.tif (155151 kB)
Structure contour map at the top of Gasconade formation
Piskin_Kemal_1962_Plate_7.tif (104926 kB)
Structure contour map at the top of Eminence formation
Piskin_Kemal_1962_Plate_8.tif (79086 kB)
Isopach map of the Gasconade formation
Eight plates, included in the back pocket of the manuscript, are included in the pdf as well as provided as supplemental files for greater detail.