Masters Theses
Keywords and Phrases
Energy efficient lighting; LED illumination; LED lighting; LED application
"The present study demonstrated lighting loads as an energy end use associated with renewable energy system applications. Incorporating an energy efficient end use within a renewable energy system can be especially beneficial regarding size and portability. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are an energy efficient alternative to traditional outdoor lighting, which is currently dominated by high intensity discharge source lamps. LEDs provide the ability to mitigate the negative impacts of diesel consumption when a diesel generator is used independently or as a backup for renewable energy applications in remote localities. In-field data was collected of traditional metal halide lamps and two comparable LED luminaries in order to evaluate photometric characteristics and the energy consumption requirements regarding diesel generation and energy storage. An energy efficiency analysis, including diesel generator consumption tests and charge/discharge tests with batteries and ultracapacitors was performed with the various lighting loads. The LED outdoor lighting performance was found to be unsatisfactory in terms of required illumination for construction-related and other high-risk applications. However, the LED lumiaires [sic] performed at an acceptable level of illumination to meet the minimum illumination standards of security and roadway lighting applications. The energy saving capabilities of LEDs, as well as the inability of LED options within today's lighting market to meet illuminance equivalence with traditional lighting options were reinforced within this study"--Abstract, page iv.
Elmore, A. Curt
Committee Member(s)
Cawlfield, Jeffrey D.
Crow, Mariesa
Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering
Degree Name
M.S. in Geological Engineering
Leonard Wood Institute
U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio)
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Publication Date
Fall 2010
ix, 74 pages
Note about bibliography
Includes bibliographical references.
© 2010 Allison Nicole Sperber, All rights reserved.
Document Type
Thesis - Open Access
File Type
Subject Headings
Light emitting diodes -- Performance
Lighting -- Energy consumption
Thesis Number
T 9758
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Sperber, Allison Nicole, "Performance evaluation of energy efficient lighting associated with renewable energy applications" (2010). Masters Theses. 120.
Funded by United States Air Force Research Laboratory Grant FA4819-09-C-0018, and Grant 191-060 from the Leonard Wood Institute.