
02 Jun 1988, 10:30 am - 3:00 pm


The paper presents a case study of a hill which developed signs of distress in 1979-80. Retaining and breast walls provided at many locations on the hill had been damaged and laterally shifted, indicating some movement in the hill. It created anxiety since big water tanks were supported on top of the bill. The distress in the bill were attributed to poor drainage of hill water, weaker sections of walls, dumping of loose lateritic material on the slopes, formation of erosion gullies etc. The bill was stabilized by removing these signs of distress with suitable remedial measures which are functioning satisfactorily over last 5-6 years. Systematic photographic presentation of different portions/features of the bill which showed signs of distress and then of different remedial measures which proved satisfactory makes the case study very interesting.


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Meeting Name

2nd Conference of the International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering


University of Missouri--Rolla

Document Version

Final Version


© 1988 University of Missouri--Rolla, All rights reserved.

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Article - Conference proceedings

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Jun 1st, 12:00 AM

Distress in a Hill and Remedial Measures

The paper presents a case study of a hill which developed signs of distress in 1979-80. Retaining and breast walls provided at many locations on the hill had been damaged and laterally shifted, indicating some movement in the hill. It created anxiety since big water tanks were supported on top of the bill. The distress in the bill were attributed to poor drainage of hill water, weaker sections of walls, dumping of loose lateritic material on the slopes, formation of erosion gullies etc. The bill was stabilized by removing these signs of distress with suitable remedial measures which are functioning satisfactorily over last 5-6 years. Systematic photographic presentation of different portions/features of the bill which showed signs of distress and then of different remedial measures which proved satisfactory makes the case study very interesting.