Geosciences and Geological and Petroleum Engineering Masters Theses
Theses from 2024
Investigation of the Relationships between Hydraulic, Physical, and Biological Soil Parameters at a Vineyard in Saint James, Missouri, Lyndsey Bennett
The Geodetic Strain Rates from Gnss in the North American-Carribean-Cocos Triple Junction in Guatemala and Implications for Seismic Hazard, Tanaya Kashyap
Groundwater Movement in Boiling Spring, Onyx Spring, Yelton Spring, Wilkins Spring, Hudgens Spring and Natural Bridge Spring, Katherin Roxana Montes Chamorro
Fiber Assisted Re-Assembly Preformed Particle Gel for Conformance Control, Zhe Sun
Characterization of the Kansas river alluvial aquifer using towed transient electromagnetic geophysical method, Jonathon Daniel Voss
Theses from 2023
Tropospheric Correction for INSAR using Machine Learning, Ngo Hi Kenny Yue
Theses from 2022
Adsorption of arsenic onto river sediments, Leticia Augusta Dos Santos Ferreira
Study of contamination resulting from historical mining within the Old Lead Belt: Mineral Fork Watershed, 2021-2022, Tessa Nicole Mortensen
Using Lake Sediment Chemistry in the Exploration for Nickel Laterite Deposits in Tropical Regions, Gabriela Yvonne Ramirez
Pressure Relief Wells: Analysis of Subsurface Heterogeneity to evaluate Relief Well Locations for Mississippi River Levees, Emma Marie Young
Theses from 2021
Investigation of post-acid stimulation impacts on well performance using fracture modeling and reservoir simulation in a Jurassic carbonate reservoir, Muaath Alansari
Relationships among mineralogy, geochemistry, and oil and gas production in the Tuscaloosa marine shale, Hayley Roxana Beitel
Power generation from waste heat during oil production, Subrahmanya Chandra Bhamidipati
Preclassic cultural eutrophication of lake Petén Itzá, lowland Guatemala, by the early Maya of Nixtun-Ch'ich', Brooke A. Birkett
Multiple generations of phlogopite in an alnöite diatreme: Insights into the petrogenesis of the Avon Alkaline Igneous Province, Missouri, Nathan Gregory Limbaugh
Spatiotemporal observations of water stress in Kansas winter wheat and corn from remotely sensed evapotranspiration and NDWI, Lindi Diane Oyler
Analysis of refracturing activities in the major shale plays in the United States, Faisal Shammam
Theses from 2020
Determining variable depth to bedrock using ERT and MASW: A geophysical investigation in St. Louis, MO, Justin James Clinton
Microgel placement and plugging performance in sand filled fracture for conformance control, Baihua Lin
Micro-analysis of contaminants in suspended load and bank deposits from the Mineral Fork Creek Watershed in Potosi, Missouri, 2019-2020, William Joseph Miller
The role of tectonic inheritance, plate-reorganization, and magma flare-ups in the evolution of the Sevier Orogeny, J. Daniel Quick
Evaluation of engineering properties of soil in Al Butayn, Mudarraj Al Qassim and Turubah - Hail Saudi Arabia, Turki Essam A. Sehly
Strain partitioning across the Polochic-Motagua Fault System in Guatemala: Insight from kinematic modeling, Qiaoqi Sun
Mineral compositions of meteorite samples ALHA 77005, NWA 7397, NWA 5480, and Ausson: Implications for geodynamic processes on their parent bodies and meteorite reclassification, Kaylin Agnata Tunnell
Data analytics of natural gas injection enhanced oil recovery for unconventional reservoirs, Ali Waqar
Theses from 2019
Amplitude-preserved processing of the Blackfoot 10 Hz seismic data, Bader Mohammed A Algarni
Using the ERT method to differentiate resistivity anomalies attributed to natural and man-made activities, Ibrahim Faisal Alshareef
Temporal changes of nutrients within the Lower Grand River Watershed and selected sites, Weston Scott Duley
Asphaltene stability in crude oil during carbon dioxide injection and its impact on oil recovery: A review, data analysis, and experimental study, Sherif M. Fakher
Archaeological investigation using geophysical methods to locate historic Byram's Ford Road, Marshall Seth Foster
Geophysical imaging beneath Lake Chesterfield, Missouri, James Daniell Hayes
Investigating the use of class C flyash-based geopolymer cement as a potential alternative to Portland cement to seal CO₂ storage wells, Priyesh Parimal Jani
Reprocessing and comparison of the 2 Hz and 10 Hz vertical component seismic data of the Blackfoot 3C-2D survey, Mete Sarikaya
Evaluation of naturally occurring and anthropogenic contamination in Missouri streams, Christina Jane Sehrt
Exploration for alteration halos around the AG-W deposits in Southeastern Missouri, USA, Daniel Joseph Warbritton
Review and data analysis of low salinity water effect through induced fine migration, Dawei Xu
Gel composition and brine concentration effect on hydrogel dehydration subjected to uniaxial compression, Xinrui Zhao
Theses from 2018
The development of a new formulation of fly ash class C based geopolymer and assessing its performance in presence of drilling fluid contamination, Mohamed Saad Ahdaya
Monobore completion design: Classification, applications, benefits and limitations, Anwar Khaled AL-Fadhli
Bridge deck assessment using visual inspection, ground penetrating radar, portable seismic property analyzer-ultrasonic surface wave, hammer sounding and chain drag, Abdullah Hadi Zaid Alhaj
New wellbore-integrity classification for gas migration problems and new cement formulations using Graphene Nano Platelets to prevent gas migration through cement, Mohammed Mousa M. Alkhamis
New nanoparticle water-based drilling fluid formulation with enhanced thermal stability and inhibition capabilities in the Woodford shale, Jose Aramendiz Pacheco
Data analysis of low-salinity waterflooding to enhance the oil recovery in sandstone reservoirs, Nadia Ariani
The importance of chemical grouting materials for optimum mechanical performance with different soil conditions, Yusuf Alper Cinar
Reprocessing of 3C-2D seismic reflection data from the Spring Coulee Field, Alberta, Yasin Demir
An integrated method for understanding the fluid flow behavior and forecasting well deliverability in gas condensate reservoirs with water aquifer drive, Abdulaziz Mustafa Em. Ellafi
Application of seismic attributes for 3-D seismic visualization contributed in structural and stratigraphic interpretation of the Tangahoe and Farewell formations in the Kupe Field, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Housam Hussein Grabeel
Developing improved techniques for GPR guided wave data analysis, Yunyi Guan
Imaging the subsurface in eastern part of Lake Chesterfield using a combination of geophysical tools, Jiawei Li
Investigation of proppant static settling velocity in hydraulic fractures using viscoelastic linear gel, Vismay Manishbhai Shah
Hydraulic fracture design optimization for Nubian sandstone formation in Libya, Housameddin Mohamed Sherif
Proppant transport with varying injection points and its impact on proppant development inside a fracture, Shail Janakbhai Soni
Salt mobility under different geological regimes, Oznur Surek
3D seismic imaging of submarine stratovolcanic and salt structures beneath the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand and the Gulf of Mexico, Ersin Erdem Unkaracalar
Conical folds -- An artifact of using simple geometric shapes to describe a complex geologic structure, Avery Joseph Welker
The role of flexural slip in the development of chevron folds, Yuxing Wu
Theses from 2017
Evaluation of preformed particle gels penetration and propagation behavior for a conformance control treatment in partially open conduits, Ahmed Mohamed Aldalfag
Assessment of rockfall rollout risk along varying slope geometries using the Rocfall and CRSP software, Mariam S. Al E'bayat
2-D and 3-D mapping of soil and rock structure in karst terrain of southwestern Missouri using the non-invasive electrical resistivity tomography method (ERT), Diya Ali Ahmad Alfuqara
A comprehensive analysis of lost circulation materials and treatments with applications in Basra's oil fields, Iraq: Guidelines and recommendations, Husam Hasan Alkinani
Determination of significant parameters that drive fracture optimization in the Glauconite Formation, Southern Chile, Ghassan Saleh Mahdi Alqatrani
Detection of mine roof failure using inexpensive LiDAR technology, Ali Abdullah M. Alzahrani
Preformed particle gel conformance control performance in partially opened fracture and fully opened fracture systems, Ghith Ali Ahmed Biheri
Deformation processes at the leading edge of the sevier fold and thrust belt, southwest Utah, William Joseph Michael Chandonia
Survey and data analysis of weak gel treatments in injection wells, Zhuxing Chen
Structural and U-Pb detrital zircon geochronologic constraints on the origin of the Condrey Mountain Schist, California - Oregon, Joseph Reid Coons
Provenance and depositional environments of fluvial-lacustrine deposits in a non-marine rift basin, Lower-Triassic Jiucaiyuan and Shaofanggou low-order cycles Bogda Shan, NW China, Jaimeson Grigaitis Fredericks
The use of ceramic water filters under pressure in an in-line water pumping system, Travis Dean Gardner
Hydrogeochemical controls on reactive and nonreactive solute transport in heterogenous porous media, Mahta Gholizadeh Ansari
Development of a variogram approach to spatial outlier detection using a supplemental digital elevation model dataset, Zane Daniel Helwig
Long-term monitoring of a landslide in Stone County, Missouri using high precision multi-temporal laser scanning, Benjamin Michael Herries
Imaging in karst terrain using the electrical resistivity and multichannel analyses of surface wave methods, Ragab W. Jaafar
Effect of fracture heterogeneity on proppant transport and settling mechanism, Dhurgham Abdulameer Kadhim
Quantifying ceramic proppant transport in complex fracture networks, Vivekvardhan Reddy Kesireddy
Well log interpretation and 3D reservoir property modeling of Maui-B field, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Aziz Mennan
Geomechanical analysis of the wellbore instability problems in Nahr Umr Formation southern Iraq, Haider Qasim Mohammed
An investigation of borax for sealing inflow from berea sandstone, Tri-Tris Bao Nguyen
Hydraulic conductivity testing of cement-bentonite mixes for use in annular well seals, Amy Lynn Norval
Overview of CO₂ leakage problems and sealants for CO₂ leakage remediation, Shudai Peng
Study of surface complexation and mineral dissolution during water-rock interaction in high salinity waterflooding at elevated temperatures, Sameer Salasakar
Evaluation of swelling and re-swelling of preformed particle gels (PPG) when exposed to CO₂, Sujay Suresh
Characterizing groundwater flow at Fort Leonard Wood using universal cokriging with trend removal, Rachel Mae Uetrecht
Mining asteroids for volatile resources: an experimental demonstration of extraction and recovery, Egboche Christopher Unobe
Evaluation of preformed particle gel as a diverting agent for acidizing, Bo Wei
Theses from 2016
Mitigation of wellbore instability in deviated wells by using geomechanical models and MPD technique, Husam Raad Abbood
Conceptual parameters necessary for modeling wettability alteration in an enhanced smart brine-chalk system, Ahmed Abdulkareem Hussein Albahrani
Study on the applicability of relative permeability modifiers for water shutoff using numerical simulation, Dheiaa Khafief Khashan Alfarge