COPERITE-computer-aided Tool for Power Engineering Research, Instruction, Training and Education

Badrul H. Chowdhury, Missouri University of Science and Technology
D. E. Clark

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A graphics-oriented, primarily PC-based tool for education, research, and training in power engineering is introduced. The tool, called COPERITE, has all user interfaces resident on an IBM-386 microcomputer. Menus and windows are used for the interface, and attractive graphical representations and displays are included. Application programs that are interfaced are power flow, contingency analysis, economic dispatch, security-constrained dispatch, system stability, and fault analysis. These programs are executed on a VAX 8800 computer mainly for speed of execution. Information exchange between the PC and the VAX is made through an Ethernet connection which is transparent to the user. Results of execution show on the graphical front-end accessible to the user. COPERITE has a powerful network editor with the capabilities of adding, deleting, moving, and finding symbols with a graphics cursor. Provisions are present for building and using artificial intelligence techniques for system operation enhancement.