Active cyber defense mechanisms are necessary to perform automated, and even autonomous operations using intelligent agents that defend against modern/sophisticated AI-inspired cyber threats (e.g., ransomware, cryptojacking, deep-fakes). These intelligent agents need to rely on deep learning using mature knowledge and should have the ability to apply this knowledge in a situational and timely manner for a given AI-inspired cyber threat. in this paper, we describe a 'domain-Agnostic knowledge graph-As-A-service' infrastructure that can support the ability to create/store domain-specific knowledge graphs for intelligent agent Apps to deploy active cyber defense solutions defending real-world applications impacted by AI-inspired cyber threats. Specifically, we present a reference architecture, describe graph infrastructure tools, and intuitive user interfaces required to construct and maintain large-scale knowledge graphs for the use in knowledge curation, inference, and interaction, across multiple domains (e.g., healthcare, power grids, manufacturing). Moreover, we present a case study to demonstrate how to configure custom sets of knowledge curation pipelines using custom data importers and semantic extract, transform, and load scripts for active cyber defense in a power grid system. Additionally, we show fast querying methods to reach decisions regarding cyberattack detection to deploy pertinent defense to outsmart adversaries.
Recommended Citation
P. Calyam and M. Kejriwal and P. Rao and J. Cheng and W. Wang and L. Bai and V. S. Siddhardh Nadendla and S. K. Madria and S. K. Das and R. Chadha and K. A. Hoque and K. Palaniappan and K. Neupane and R. L. Neupane and S. Gandhari and M. Singhal and L. Othmane and M. Yu, "Towards a Domain-Agnostic Knowledge Graph-As-A-Service Infrastructure for Active Cyber Defense with Intelligent Agents," Proceedings - Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Jan 2023.
The definitive version is available at https://doi.org/10.1109/AIPR60534.2023.10440708
Computer Science
Keywords and Phrases
active cyber defense; cyber-security; knowledge graph; power grid systems
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
Document Type
Article - Conference proceedings
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© 2025 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Jan 2023