
Data on statistical wake turbulence of the far wake of sphere and cone models with velocities from 9,800 to 21,500 feet/second and range pressures from 50 to 120 mm Hg. are presented and analyzed. The measurement technique used is that of observing the turbulence edge position of the wake on schlieren films. The measured parameters are the wake width; edge roughness; auto-correlation function; microscale; e-fold; integral, and average eddy lengths; wake dissipation parameter; Kolmogoroff and energy containing wave number parameters; Lagrangian integral time scale parameter; Strouhal number; cross-correlation function; and wake edge velocity. The results of these measurements are compared with other investigators, as well as other methods of observing the character of the turbulence of the far wake. The present data shows reasonable agreement with that of other investigators using the same observation technique. However, there is a lack of agreement between the results from some of the methods of observation and/or measurement techniques. The severest criticism of the present method of observation is found to be the need for a meridional plane view correction factor along with the lack of a direct relation of the wake edge position to the internal turbulence structure.

Meeting Name

Symposium on Turbulence in Liquids (1971: Oct. 4-6, Rolla, MO)


Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Presentation Type

Contributed Paper


Visual and Light Transmission Measurements

Document Version

Final Version

File Type





© 1972 University of Missouri--Rolla, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

06 Oct 1971
