A Novel Framework for Identification of Cyber-Physical Attacks in Additive Manufacturing


In the era of technological advancements, additive manufacturing systems now facilitate users in remotely submitting their jobs. This collaborative approach empowers communities to share unique design patterns, fostering innovation and collaboration for cutting-edge part designs. However, the convenience of sharing information over the Internet introduces security challenges, notably the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks. These malicious activities could manipulate parameter values, potentially leading to inaccuracies or defects in the printed parts, thus affecting the mechanical properties negatively. In recent times, the additive manufacturing industry has witnessed numerous cyber-attacks, underscoring the importance of addressing and mitigating potential vulnerabilities in additive manufacturing processes. As we embark on this transformative journey of digital collaboration, it becomes imperative to implement robust security measures to safeguard the integrity of additive manufacturing systems and protect against cyber threats. In this paper, we introduce a comprehensive framework designed to fortify additive manufacturing systems against cyber attacks. This innovative framework serves as a secure platform, facilitating both clients and manufacturing industries to seamlessly submit jobs for remote printing. By implementing file integrity measures, the framework ensures the innocence of the additive manufacturing process, safeguarding against potential file modification attacks. The manipulated additive manufacturing file showing with voids have also been printed using laser powder bed fusion process to identify the affect of voids on tensile tests.


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


National Science Foundation, Grant CMMI-1625736

Keywords and Phrases

Additive manufacturing; Attack detection; Cyber-attacks; Tensile properties

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)

2363-9520; 2363-9512

Document Type

Article - Journal

Document Version


File Type





© 2024 Springer, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2024
