A Non-Isotropic Model for Mobile-to-Mobile Fading Channel Simulations

Y. Rosa Zheng, Missouri University of Science and Technology

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Accurate modeling of the mobile-to-mobile fading channel is critical not only to physical layer transceiver design but also to the design and performance of link and network layers. A two-dimensional nonisotropic scattering model is developed in this paper, which adopts the von Mises probability density function for the angle of departure surrounding the transmitter and the angle of arrival surrounding the receiver. This model includes the isotropic scattering channel and the base-to-mobile channel as special cases. An efficient computer simulation model is also developed to generate the non-isotropic scattering channel impulse responses. Statistical properties of the non-isotropic mobile-to-mobile channels are analyzed in comparison to the isotropic channels and the base-to-mobile channels.