Bachelors Theses

Illustration of the concentration and Flintshire furnace treatment of lead ores at the Desloge Mines, Missouri

A. H. Ohmann-Dumesnil

There were 11 downloads when this thesis was moved to the Professional Degree Series on 26 Oct 2016.


"The Desloge Mines, the subject of the present thesis, are situated in Township 37 North and Range 4 East, St. Francois Co. Mo. and are directly north of the St. Joe mines. They are 10 miles distant, in a north-easterly direction, from Cadet, a station on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Rail-Road 57 miles from St. Louis. hough Cadet is insignificant in point of population, still as a shipping point, it ranks high among those in South East Missouri; since it is the depôt and entrepôt for the Desloge, St. Joe and Old Mines....

The subject of lead treatment at the Desloge Mines will be taken up in three separate parts viz: the Mining; Concentrating and Smelting of ores "--pages 3-4.